Important Notes


Sending Server Connection Details


If you are using a Gmail account, and are not using 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) with your Google Account, the following explains how to configure it so it can be used with SyncBackPro:

The problem with Gmail is that it sometimes forgets these settings and so you may have the problem of SyncBackPro saying there are no emails. This is because the Gmail POP server is saying there aren’t any emails because the Enable POP for all mail setting is sometimes “forgotten” by Gmail.  Also, sometimes Gmail doesn’t appear to delete emails that SyncBackPro asks it to delete.

If you are using 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) with your Google Account then you need to create an App Password for SyncBack. You then use that password instead of your Google password.

If you need any further assistance in configuring your backup software, please reach out to our support team at [email protected]