Important Notes


Notifications Settings
aText box in which you enter email address of notification recipients.
b+Adds email address you enter to the list of notification recipients.
cEmail addresses of notification recipients. Users with administrative roles are automatically included and cannot be removed.
dxClick the X to remove a recipient from the list.
eShow in ConsoleNotifications selected in this column display on the Alerts screen.
fSend EmailNotifications selected in this column are sent to the email recipients identified by item c above.
gPriorityDisplays the priority level of the alert. This icon is also used to denote priority on the Alerts screen:File:Administrator/4/Monitoring_And_Managing/Notifications_Overview_And_Settings/Alert_icon.pngCriticalFile:Administrator/4/Monitoring_And_Managing/Notifications_Overview_And_Settings/warning_icon_.pngWarningFile:Administrator/4/Monitoring_And_Managing/Notifications_Overview_And_Settings/low_alert_icon_.pngLow
hResetUndo changes.
iSaveSave changes.

To view the full description of a notification, hover over the name in the console. Each notification is described below.

If you need any further assistance in configuring your backup software, please reach out to our support team at [email protected]