Important Notes


If you already have a backup schedule set up with SQLBackupAndFTP all you have to do is just check the section highlighted in the image below and input e-mail addresses for success and failure notifications.

You also have multiple options for selecting the email account/server from which you want the e-mail addresses to be sent, in case the contacts you want to send emails to are out of your network.

Selecting the Automatic option will send the e-mail using a web service from SQLBackupAndFTP.

But, you can also select the G-Mail option and only input your email/username and password combination to send e-mail addresses using your G-Mail address.

In case these options are not sufficient, you also can send SQL Server backup email notifications using other webmail servers by selecting the Custom option on the below screen and inputting the e-mail address you want to send notifications from, the Mail Server address, and the port number for the mail server.

If you need any further assistance in configuring your backup software, please reach out to our support team at [email protected]