Important Notes


  1. In the menu bar of the console, select Options > Agent Options.
  2. On the Agent Options page, provide the details of the email configuration.
SMTP Server Name or IP AddressThe hostname or IP address of the outgoing SMTP server to use when sending email notifications (for example [email protected]).
SMTP Port(Default: 25) The port is used by the SMTP service. The default port for secure SMTP connections (SSL) is 465.
SMTP Login User NameThe username ShadowProtect uses to access the SMTP server. For example, [email protected].
SMTP Login PasswordThe password is associated with the SMTP user name.
SMTP Authentication MethodThe authentication method is used by the SMTP server. Select the appropriate authentication method for your SMTP server from the dropdown list. For example, the SMTP authentication method for Gmail is log in.
Use SSL(Default: Off) The selection for a secure connection with the SMTP server. When using SSL, make sure to set the SMTP Port accordingly. (The SSL port is 465.)
Email From AddressThe email address that appears in the email messages From field.
Email To AddressesA list of email addresses that you want to receive the notification. Use a semi-colon for multiple addresses.
Custom Subject Suffix(Optional) A text string that appears below the ShadowProtect-generated email content in the Subject field. When creating this content, use /r for carriage return, /n for a new line, and /t for tab characters.
Custom Body Prefix(Optional) A text string appears in the Email Message field.  Use /r for carriage return, /n for new line, and /t for tab characters.
Send Email on Success(Default: Off) The selector for notifying success. Select ON if you want to send notification emails when ShadowProtect successfully completes a job.
Send Email on Failure(Default: Off) The selector for notifying failure. Select ON if you want to send notification emails when ShadowProtect fails to complete a job.
Send daily report(Default: Off) The selector for daily notifications. Select ON if you want to send a daily report of ShadowProtect activities. Enabling Send daily report also enables the Report time field.
Send weekly report(Default: Off) The selector for weekly notifications. Select ON if you want to send a weekly report of ShadowProtect activities. Enabling Send weekly report also enables the Report day and Report time fields.
Report day(Default: Off) The selector for the day of the week when reports get sent. 
Report time(Default: Off) The selector for the time of day when reports get sent. 
  1. Click OK to save the configuration. Note: You need to select ON for at least one type of email (Success, Failure, Daily, or Weekly) to receive email notifications.
  2. (Optional) Click Test Email to send a test message and confirm that the email configuration is working properly.

If you have trouble receiving ShadowProtect email messages on your production email server, try sending emails to an external email account such as Gmail or Outlook. This lets you isolate the problem to ShadowProtect or the email system.

If you need any further assistance in configuring your backup software, please reach out to our support team at [email protected]